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TSSC Architectural Insulated sandwich panels are available with a hidden-fix joint system and can be laid vertically or horizontally providing an aesthetic appearance to the building. The range includes economical sandwich wall panels with exposed fasteners which can be installed on industrial, agricultural, residential or commercial buildings. TSSC insulated wall panels are easy to install, provide excellent thermal insulation, resistance to fire and are available in a variety of profiles, colors and finishes to compliment your project.

Smooth finish concealed ISO wall panel


Roof and wall Panel


• Aluminium profiled sheet is 0.5 mm. up to 0.9 mm. thick Alloy A3105 - H16 Temper from tension leveled coils - different Alloy can be supplied on request.

• GI & Alu Zinc coated steel profile sheets 0.5 to 0.9 mm thick as per ASTM A 656 for GI & ASTM A 792 for Alu Zinc - Different grades Can be supplied on request

• Painting is baked regular modified enamel polyester, with 5 micron primer and 20 micron coat on the weathering side and 5/7 micron primer on the reverse - PVDF, Silicon, Modified Polyester, Platisol & ARS coating on request is applicable.

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