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Explore a range of profiled sheets for roof and wall cladding such as internal linings and external cladding of industrial buildings.

TSS 45/250


Roof and wall Panel


• Aluminium profiled sheet is 0.5 mm. up to 0.9 mm. thick Alloy A3105 - H16 Temper from tension leveled coils - different Alloy can be supplied on request.

• GI & Alu Zinc coated steel profile sheets 0.5 to 0.9 mm thick as per ASTM A 656 for GI & ASTM A 792 for Alu Zinc - Different grades Can be supplied on request

• Painting is baked regular modified enamel polyester, with 5 micron primer and 20 micron coat on the weathering side and 5/7 micron primer on the reverse - PVDF, Silicon, Modified Polyester, Platisol & ARS coating on request is applicable.

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