How much importance do you give to the roofing of your property? Invest in standing seam roof panels
Like foundation, roofing also plays a big role in determining your property’s quality. There are different types of modern roofing solutions available in the market. Various construction companies offer affordable roofing solutions. A solid foundation, durable walls, and a well-structured roof are the essential factors required for construction. Choose a roofing solution based on your requirements. If you plan to erect a residential or commercial property in the Middle East, choose a well-known company for offering the best solution.
High-quality TSSC standing seam roof panels:
TSSC offers the most sustainable insulated roof panels, so we manufacture standing seam roof structures. This is now a very popular solution in the UAE, adaptable and long-lasting. A building or a construction depends a lot on the weather conditions and external conditions. Insulation plays a key role, and this is one very important reason why walling, roofing, cladding, etc., are now becoming so popular. TSSC seam roof panels are rightly positioned in a vertical direction along the roof’s length, which offers adequate insulation. There are enough seams to connect the panels. Our roofing solutions are modern and affordable.
Standing seam roofs do not require any complex maintenance; you do not need to hire any extra workforce for the upkeep. Thus, you can save both time and money. TSSC insulated roof panels are ideal for installing in commercial and residential properties. Our solutions are ideal for city structures and countryside barns.
TSSC is one of the leading companies in the UAE that offers solutions within your budget; we customize. Are you worried about the price? TSSC panels are a long-term investment, so the investment is worth it as there is no reinvestment and no cost of repairs.
The Harwal BASICO of TSSC:
TSSC manufactures roofing solutions under a separate brand name, Harwal BASICO. We have so many clients who have trusted our brand. There are various types of roofing solutions, so when you compare the price, it’s a bit on the expensive side compared to asphalt and shingle roof. We manufacture different roofing sheets, which include curved, tapered, etc., suitable for construction.
Cover traditional roofs with panels:
Traditional roofs show various signs of leakage, it is difficult to repair, but there is sufficient protection when installing the panels. The seam panels have the finest quality, strength, durability and are not affected by any climatic conditions, including snow or storm. TSSC also manufactures accessories, including skylights, tapers, roof penetration, and other aspects of roof design.
Invest in TSSC roofing solution:
Do you have a project and you wish to invest in our roofing solution? Talk to our experts for a consultation. We can suggest to you the best solution, style, and type you can install within your budget. We are among the leading and renowned standing seam suppliers in the UAE. TSSC has been offering roofing solutions, and our clients have trusted us for over 40 years. TSSC provides a wide range of solutions for you.