Sandwich panels used in cladding and roofing solutions – TSSC panels have a higher load-carrying

Sandwich’ sounds interesting? These panels look exactly like a sandwich having a thermo-insulating core covered with two metal sheets on both sides. These panels are products used for cladding roofs and walls of buildings. Every panel is designed based on thermal insulating, sound insulating, weight, fire-resistivity and performance. Sandwich panels are certain materials but non-structural. The structural forces are supported by a steel framework or any other carrier frame to which the panels are attached.

Reducing energy consumption is a challenge

East Africa is a hot and humid county and businesses are not thriving here. The days are very hot, and nights are cold. This difference in the natural weather requires insulation for storing perishable goods. One of the biggest challenges of future construction is reducing energy consumption in all stages, from the building to demolition. The sustainability concept in construction design encouraged thermal and acoustic insulating materials using recycled and natural materials. Sandwich panels are capable of protecting construction from external factors. It is a modern and lightweight construction element used by the building sector in East Africa.

Sandwich panels are based on the core

Sandwich panels are classified based on the core that is used for insulation. Sandwich panels with cores of EPS (expanded polystyrene), mineral wool, polyurethane (PIR, or polyisocyanurate) are available. These panels are used to clad external walls of construction and offer insulation to the internal walls of cold storage. The panels are designed by filling a low-density and thick insulation material between two high-density and thin metal surfaces. These are ready-to-assemble elements having a higher load-carrying capability.

How long would the sandwich panels last?

The longevity of the panels depends on the design and the accurate technical specification of the panel component according to the building required, the climatic condition and the environment. TSSC is one of the most experienced sandwich panel manufacturers in East Africa. The external sheet of the insulated sandwich panels is resistant to temperature alterations, external factors, and UV rays. The inner sheet is resistant to condensation, physical effects and chemicals.

Simple installation process

The installation process is very simple as well as follows a single-installation procedure. Upon installing our panels, you can cut down on your operational costs. The insulated panels do not allow thermal drift, which gives more energy efficiency.

Yearly cleaning and maintenance

TSSC has a team of expert and certified engineers who calculate the load-bearing capabilities to match it with the needs of the building. We suggest checking (cleaning and maintaining) the panels once a year. If any damages are seen arising due to external conditions must be fixed without any delay.

Request for a quote

Now there is an increasing demand for sandwich panels in East Africa. The construction industry and businesses are thriving. Businesses that deal with perishable goods, medicines and depend on temperature cannot do without proper insulation.

Please discuss your project with us for a solution and customization. TSSC is renowned for being one of the top-rated insulated panel manufacturers in East Africa for about forty years. Request for a quote. You can also add your valuable feedback about our products and services.

Please discuss your project with us and request a quote. 


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